Capstone Wealth Partners

Category: Investing

Cwp 3 Tips For Investing Wisely In A 529 Plan 600x400 (1)

3 Tips for Investing Wisely in a 529 Plan

Fans of ESPN’s College Game Day know the familiar “not so fast, my friend” from Lee Corso. Sometimes we come across articles that cause us to say those very words. While the information is true, we might not 100% agree. We had a “not so fast” moment when reading an article from CNBC about 529 savings plans. The article made some suggestions that may be the right fit for more savvy and experienced investors but not for all—especially if you are a more hands off “do it yourself” investor. (To their credit they do acknowledge this in the article briefly towards the end.)

If you are a DIY 529 investor, here are 3 quick tips for you…

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Whoa, Markets Feel Scary Again

Photo Credit: “Sell everything… We think investors should be afraid.”1 “Stronger US Dollar, weaker oil/commodity prices, weaker world trade, weaker EM (and global growth)… and repeat. The economy seems

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can’t pay your student loan capstone wealth ohio

Market Volatility: Are You Getting What You Ordered?

Unless you’ve had your head in the sand, you know that stock markets have given investors quite a roller coaster ride recently. In fact, the S&P 500 has had a total drop of 10% over the last 10 days. It’s since managed to recover over half of those losses, but even so, losing 5% still hurts. It’s a feeling most investors haven’t felt since the financial crisis of 2008.

The real question is, what are you doing about it? My hope is…wait for it…nothing much.

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Cash Flow

6 Steps to End the Student Loan Debt Crisis One Family at a Time

The flood of politicians has begun. The presidential race is heating up and all the candidates are on their soapboxes pledging to lower college costs and solve the student loan debt crisis in America. We decided to throw our hat in the ring. Our campaign promise…to end the student loan debt crisis one family at a time!

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Captstone Wealth Partners Ohio 401k What's in the box

5 Reasons to Customize Your 401k

You probably have a number of investments you try to monitor each day or week. One of the things you liked about your 401k was relative freedom from ongoing involvement with its management. Yet we are talking about a part of your financial future. You need to make sure the plan is working as hard as possible for you.

Here are a few simple steps to take to customize your 401k to ensure it performs according to the long-term goals of your overall financial plan…

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Capstone Wealth Partners is a fee-only independent Registered Investment Advisor in Columbus, Ohio. We are financial planners for college-bound families.

The Capstone Blog offers up our best ideas on how to save and pay for college, all while staying on track for a confident retirement.


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