is everything

Picture it: peace of mind.

Imagine having the freedom to focus on the things that give you energy.

Live life boldly and leave markets, planning approaches and tax strategies to us.

If you believe a sound plan can be the foundation for achieving great things, you’re in the right place. Trust your financial future to a community of advisors, financial specialists and peers who believe in living well.

Your best interests are at the center of our evidence-driven approach. You, your family, your goals and your most important dreams all play an important role in crafting a plan that embraces and improves the most important aspects of your life.

When you choose to work with us, your plan is backed by financial planning insights and decades of peer-reviewed financial research showing the right way to invest.

When you work with us:

You achieve clarity.

Live your life now, and when you think about the future, be confident you’ll end up exactly where you want to be.

You feel empowered.

Know your financial strategy incorporates layers of hard evidence and is designed around your true needs and wants.

You gain a partner.

Get comfortable sharing your values and goals with a fiduciary advisor who puts you at the center of your strategy.

Life isn’t linear.

A clear path on life’s winding road.

Navigating your finances through each phase of life requires more than just a plan. It requires a partner. Through life’s ups and downs, your advisor will be there to add insight, offer reassurance and amend your plan so you may reach your ideal future.

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Discover the strategy designed for your

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When life changes, your plan evolves.

Life is layered with significant events that can influence your future. When things change, you need a trusted advisor who understands the short and long-term financial impact so you can focus on living life to the fullest.

Your experience is everything.

Your strategy begins with you.

What do you really want? To support your favorite causes? To send your children or grandchildren to college? To feel confident you have enough? Your life—your dreams, desires and the impact you want to make on this world— are the starting point for our evidence-driven planning approach.

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The Elements of a Financial Strategy

Money, goals, life and impact — your financial strategy is more than just investment decisions. Your dreams and passions are too important to leave to chance. A sound financial plan encompasses every aspect of your life and is built to last.

The science of investing.

Make decisions backed by evidence, not guesswork.

A portfolio is an important piece of your overall financial strategy and should begin and end with evidence—no room for emotions here.

See what it’s like to have decades of objective, peer-reviewed market research working for you. Your investment plan uses cost-e ective and tax-e cient strategies that are appropriately matched to your risk tolerance and may help increase your odds of living the life you envision.

Discover the path to security and freedom.

Let data bring you peace of mind. Work with your advisor to control what you can: taxes, fees and risk. Your portfolio will contain diversified stock funds; high-quality bonds; and, in some cases, alternative investment strategies.

You deserve the brightest minds on your side. An investment strategy driven by rigorous, peer-reviewed research gives you the best chance at reaching your goals. The strength of your plan comes from advanced strategies rooted in academia plus a committee-based approach to investment policy.

The support team behind the scenes
The power of


When you work with us, you’re supported by a diverse team of resources and specialists. As we sit with you to develop your personal financial strategy, our strategic partnerships help ensure you get a well-conceived plan designed to meet your long-term goals.

Investment Strategy and Analysis.
We aim to capture the returns of global stock and bond markets to help our clients reach their long-term goals while controlling risks, costs and minimizing taxes.

Trading and Operational Support.
We spend more time with our clients and deliver more timely and accurate investment management because of our back-o ce support partnership.

Advanced Financial Planning.
Our clients benefit from the perspectives and guidance of industry leading financial planning minds.


We’ve deployed the best systems and technology we could find, so getting your financial life together is easy.


A thoughtful financial plan means having day-to-day peace of mind and true confidence that lifetime goals, like retirement and college, will be funded as expected.


Financial planning is not a one-time event. It is an ever-evolving process that requires constant monitoring and adjusting along the way in order to ensure success.

Our Process

Design – Build – Protect®

Embark on a personal discovery process alongside your advisor to identify elements of your life that will shape the design of your financial strategy. Then your advisor will build a custom plan with clear objectives and attainable action items, using academic research and financial science to increase your odds of success. Regular check-ins will help protect your plan and allow you to measure progress toward your goals and adjust as needed.


Foundation Plan

Project-style financial plan created & delivered in four meetings over a 30-day period

  • Discuss your goals & values, addressing key planning needs of college affordability, retirement planning, and investment strategy.
  • Collect your Financial Inventory and identify your opportunities & weaknesses
  • Establish measurable financial goals
  • Connect all your accounts easily with a Personal Financial Website.
  • Explore working with our advisory practice
  • Specific action list delivered at final meeting – implement with us or on your own.
  • Watch this video to learn more

Families $2,500 • Couples $2,000 • Single $1,500
One time fee


Capstone Planning

A continuance of advice, as delivered by your Foundations Plan, in a retainer-style relationship.

  • Full implementation of your initial plan’s action items on your behalf.
  • College affordability advice – aid projections, FAFSA filing, net cost comparison, award evaluations, and loan decisions.
  • Regular six-month progress meetings to review your situation, adjust your plan and provide accountability with on demand meetings throughout the year as needed.
  • Planning and coordination in advanced areas – insurance, tax, estate.
  • Coordination with your accountant & attorney as needed.

Families $300/mo • Couples $250/mo • Single $200/mo
(Waived at certain managed portfolio levels)


Investment Management

  • Institutional-style investment approach for personal investors.
  • Academic research and investment committee oversight from Buckingham Strategic Partners.
  • Advisory fees debited directly from your accounts.
  • Implementation with low cost mutual funds, exchange traded funds (ETF’s) and separately managed accounts (SMA’s).
  • Optional use of sustainable and socially responsible portfolio strategies.
  • Monthly custodial statements and quarterly performance reports (paper or eDelivery).
  • Learn more about our Evidence – Driven Investing™

0.25% – 1.00% ANNUALLY
(% assessed only on assets directly managed)

College Pre-Approval™

A 90-minute consultation with a Certified College Financial Consultant (CCFC)

  • Project your Student Aid Index and create your college budget, with a  side-by-side net cost comparisons of up to 10 schools.
  • Understand how to qualify for more scholarships and/or financial aid and receive a personalized list of recommended schools that will give you the most free money.
  • Learn how to pay for all four years of each college, including the resulting loans and loan payments.
  • Receive a personalized College Cost Reduction Report™ showing you creative ways to reduce your college expenses.
  • Watch this video to learn more.

One time fee

Ready to Start Your Holistic Wealth


Experience a sense of calm

and confidence when you collaborate with your advisor to create a plan that’s right for you.

Experience a smarter way to invest and plan

with a financial strategy infused with decades of evidence-driven research.

Experience the best of both worlds

through a personal relationship with an advisor backed by national thought leadership resources and intellectual insight.