Families often wonder how to pay for college with loans. It's tough to know how to make smart decisions that will positively impact your future and your child's. As of the end of 2022, Americans owe $1.745 trillion in student loan debt with 42.8 million borrowers (of federal loans). Those... read more →
The United States is home to approximately 6,000 colleges and universities. Having that many schools to choose from can be both a blessing and a curse. Yes, every student can find just the right fit for them, but on the flip side, a student can become overwhelmed by the sheer... read more →
One value for many families is education. Unfortunately, it now takes a tribe to save and plan for the growing cost of education! This holiday season, if you want to sidestep the mountain of toys that inevitably accumulate, or if you just can't think of anything to get a picky... read more →
The Biden Administration’s application for debt relief is now live through StudentAid.Gov. Feel free to forward this email along to anyone who you think may benefit, including your children and grandchildren. To qualify for loan forgiveness, one of the following must be true: You are an Individual who made less... read more →
It's college application season! When it comes to deadlines, colleges throw around several terms for when the application is due--early decision, early action, regular decision, and rolling admissions to name a few. Some colleges get even more creative with terms like "restricted early action" and others. In this blog, we... read more →
When you think about financial aid, “quirky” might not be the first word that comes to mind. However, with something so complex as finances and all the different personal situations for students, you might not be surprised to discover how “quirky” it can be. Check out some of the answers... read more →
Part of the college application process for seniors is applying for financial aid and/or student loans by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA. The very first step students and parents need to complete before starting the FAFSA, is obtaining an FSA ID. What is it... read more →
Recently, President Joe Biden announced a sweeping student loan forgiveness plan. We want to clarify what, exactly, this plan is, and the key information you need to know. Student Loan Forgiveness President Biden announced on Wednesday, August 24, 2022, that a student loan forgiveness plan would go into action this... read more →
Junior year is when students can start to see the finish line of high school. They are actively thinking about their next steps--college, career, or maybe military? Things have become REAL! It is the last full year that colleges will have complete grades to evaluate in the student’s application. Parents... read more →
Sophomore year is a time when high school students have settled in. They know the drill, and are comfortable with how high school works. At this point, they will start to think about life after college in a very generic way. Their path is starting to take shape. What are... read more →