Smart Money Moves for the College-Bound™ WEBINAR
Join Joe Messinger for his Smart Money Moves for the College-Bound ™ WEBINAR. Joe answers parent’s biggest questions about paying for college in Smart Money Moves for the College-Bound: Where
Join Joe Messinger for his Smart Money Moves for the College-Bound ™ WEBINAR. Joe answers parent’s biggest questions about paying for college in Smart Money Moves for the College-Bound: Where
As the parent of a college-bound teenager, you and your teen are making plans and starting to think about the life beyond college. Teens need to understand budgeting and how the decisions they make now could have a huge impact on their future quality of life. We have some tools and ideas that can help.
You finally made it to the end of your student’s senior year of high school. Congratulations! As a family, you successfully found a college that was just the right fit
Student loans almost always need to be a part of the conversation when talking about paying for college. Not too many of us can afford $25,000 (or more!) every year
Fans of ESPN’s College Game Day know the familiar “not so fast, my friend” from Lee Corso. Sometimes we come across articles that cause us to say those very words. While the information is true, we might not 100% agree. We had a “not so fast” moment when reading an article from CNBC about 529 savings plans. The article made some suggestions that may be the right fit for more savvy and experienced investors but not for all—especially if you are a more hands off “do it yourself” investor. (To their credit they do acknowledge this in the article briefly towards the end.)
If you are a DIY 529 investor, here are 3 quick tips for you…
In 2022, the College Board reported the average public 4-year in-state, on-campus “all in” college cost was $27, 940. When we originally wrote this article in 2017, the cost was
Join Joe Messinger for his Smart Money Moves for the College-Bound ™ WEBINAR. Joe answers parent’s biggest questions about paying for college in Smart Money Moves for the College-Bound: Where
Capstone Wealth Partners is excited to be presenting HOW TO APPEAL TO COLLEGES FOR MORE FREE MONEY – WEBINAR. Congratulations seniors! You got into your dream school! Now you are
March 15th is typically a time when financial aid award letters from colleges are received by families. They have already been through the college application process in the fall and hopefully they got everything in on time. They also should have already applied for financial aid via the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)—ideally by January 15th for those that are seniors in order to meet the priority filing deadline for financial aid that is as early as February 1st. Your student has been accepted, you have the financial aid award letter, and you are struggling to compare one to the other to find the best fit your for family. What to do?
Did you know no actual mythological stories exist about the unicorn? “The truth is, unlike almost every single other mythical creature, the unicorn does not appear anywhere in any culture’s actual mythology.”¹ Was it possible this creature actually existed? What the heck does this have to do with college?!
We’re searching for the Unicorn University—not the myth—the one perfect for you.
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Capstone Wealth Partners is a fee-only independent Registered Investment Advisor in Columbus, Ohio. We are financial planners for college-bound families.
The Capstone Blog offers up our best ideas on how to save and pay for college, all while staying on track for a confident retirement.