Student loans are scary: How much can you afford?
Do you know what is scary? We’re not talking zombies, ghosts, or witches. We’re talking about college student loans. Is there a debt level you don’t have to be afraid of?
Do you know what is scary? We’re not talking zombies, ghosts, or witches. We’re talking about college student loans. Is there a debt level you don’t have to be afraid of?
Joe Messinger, CFP® and Beth Probst of At The Core have teamed up to co-host an interactive session with live Q&A aimed at answering the college planning questions on every
To encourage saving for college, many states in the US allow for an in-state tax deduction up to a certain amount for savings invested in that state’s 529 plan. Starting
Changes to the tax code and how they impact paying for college If you follow the news (and who doesn’t today?!), you know the tax code has undergone a major
Since this piece was written in January 2016, the FAFSA filing deadlines have changed. For the first time, the FAFSA will go live October 1, 2016. Visit our new blog about this change by clicking here. Skip to the 2nd paragraph of this article for some important FAFSA tips to keep in mind!
In January every year, high school students begin the task of selecting classes for the upcoming fall. With many types of classes to choose from (IB/AP/CCP), how can you help your student make the best decision? Will some of these chosen courses actually save you money when your student goes to college? Yes, some courses your student takes now in high school will save you tuition dollars later in college.
College-bound families should ask three questions, and they go hand in hand with one another…Where can we get in? Where can we get aid? What schools can we actually afford?
We’ll start with a disclaimer—we have no magic wand to waive on how to “show the love” to your favorite college. Besides academic criteria, every university pays attention to different things when they are looking at candidates. But one thing is clear, colleges want to extend acceptance letters, and potentially more generous scholarship offers, to those students who most want to go to their school. So what are some ways to show you are interested?
When it rains, it pours! This week the Obama administration announced not only a new College Scorecard website but also revisions to FAFSA—both with the aim of making college more accessible to everyone. What is important for YOU to know to be an informed consumer of higher education?
Parents, do you remember filling out your college application? You probably used a pencil or typewriter (a what?) to fill out the paper application from your school or schools of choice. You mailed them in and then you waited. Today as with everything else in our lives, the process is automated (not a surprise). The Common Application, referred to in its shortened form as the Common App, has changed the way students are applying to college, and we have some things you need to know.
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Capstone Wealth Partners is a fee-only independent Registered Investment Advisor in Columbus, Ohio. We are financial planners for college-bound families.
The Capstone Blog offers up our best ideas on how to save and pay for college, all while staying on track for a confident retirement.
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