Sensible Pricing

Simple to understand. Easy to see the value.

The straight-forward pricing at Capstone Wealth Partners is simple, transparent, and affordable.

As fiduciary, fee-only advisors, we’re paid solely and directly by our clients, and accept no other form of compensation. That means our only motivation is your best interests – no commissions, no kickbacks, no referral fees.

College Pre-Approval™



  • A 90-minute consultation with a Certified College Financial Consultant (CCFC)
  • Project your Student Aid Index and create your college budget.
  • Understand how to qualify for more scholarships and/or financial aid.
  • Receive a personalized list of recommended schools that will give you the most free money.
  • Side-by-side net cost comparisons of up to 10 schools.
  • How to pay for all four years of each college, including the resulting loans and loan payments.
  • College Cost Reduction Report™ showing you creative ways to reduce your college expenses.
  • Watch this video to learn more.

Foundation Plan

Families $2,500
Couples $2,000
Single $1,500


  • Learn more about our process Get Organized. Get A Plan. Get Ahead.™ 
  • Project-style financial plan created & delivered in four meetings over a 30-day period.
  • Connect all your accounts easily with a Personal Financial Website.
  • Address key planning needs of college affordability, retirement planning, and investment strategy.
  • Specific action list delivered at final meeting –– implement with us or on your own.
  • Try a “dating period” with us to determine possible long-term fit.
  • Watch this video to learn more

Financial Coach

Capstone Planning

Families $300/mo
Couples $250/mo
Single $200/mo

(Waived at certain managed portfolio levels)

  • A continuance of advice, as delivered by your Foundations Plan, in a retainer-style relationship.
  • Full implementation of your initial plan’s action items on your behalf.
  • College affordability advice – aid projections, FAFSA filing, net cost comparison, award evaluations, and loan decisions.
  • Regular six-month progress meetings to review your situation, adjust your plan and provide accountability.
  • On demand meetings throughout the year as needed.
  • Planning and coordination in advanced areas – insurance, tax, estate.
  • Coordination with your accountant & attorney as needed.
  • Check out our Experience Is Everything Brochure to learn more.

Investment Mangement

Investment Management

0.25% – 1.00%

(% assessed only on assets directly managed)

  • Institutional-style investment approach for personal investors.
  • Academic research and investment committee oversight from Buckingham Strategic Partners.
  • Advisory fees debited directly from your accounts.
  • Implementation with low cost mutual funds, exchange traded funds (ETF’s) and separately managed accounts (SMA’s).
  • Optional use of sustainable and socially responsible portfolio strategies.
  • Monthly custodial statements and quarterly performance reports (paper or eDelivery).
  • Learn more about our Evidence – Driven Investing™

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