Capstone Wealth Partners

Category: College

CSS Profile Capstone Wealth Partners Ohio

High school course selection: Can it help you save on the cost of college?

In January every year, high school students begin the task of selecting classes for the upcoming fall. With many types of classes to choose from (IB/AP/CCP), how can you help your student make the best decision? Will some of these chosen courses actually save you money when your student goes to college? Yes, some courses your student takes now in high school will save you tuition dollars later in college.

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scholarship mythbusters capstone wealth partners ohio

Scholarship Mythbusters

If you could earn $50 per hour, wouldn’t you? What am I talking about? I am talking about the process of finding college scholarships. The process isn’t easy. It might not be quick. But if you spent 20 hours searching and applying and earned a $1,000 scholarship, that’s $50 per hour! Pretty valuable when you look at it that way!

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Dream College Capstone Wealth Partners Ohio

How do you get their attention and get into your dream college?

We’ll start with a disclaimer—we have no magic wand to waive on how to “show the love” to your favorite college. Besides academic criteria, every university pays attention to different things when they are looking at candidates. But one thing is clear, colleges want to extend acceptance letters, and potentially more generous scholarship offers, to those students who most want to go to their school.  So what are some ways to show you are interested?

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Cash Flow

6 Steps to End the Student Loan Debt Crisis One Family at a Time

The flood of politicians has begun. The presidential race is heating up and all the candidates are on their soapboxes pledging to lower college costs and solve the student loan debt crisis in America. We decided to throw our hat in the ring. Our campaign promise…to end the student loan debt crisis one family at a time!

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Common Application Capstone Wealth Partners Ohio

The Common Application – A Whole New World

Parents, do you remember filling out your college application? You probably used a pencil or typewriter (a what?) to fill out the paper application from your school or schools of choice. You mailed them in and then you waited. Today as with everything else in our lives, the process is automated (not a surprise). The Common Application, referred to in its shortened form as the Common App, has changed the way students are applying to college, and we have some things you need to know.

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Fishing Financial Aid Capstone Wealth Partners Ohio

The financial aid “fish” just got smaller, and YOU are on the hook for college costs!

In early June of 2015, the Department of Education announced revised Federal Need Analysis Methodology to determine a student’s EFC for the 2016/17 award year.  The result is not good news for middle class families hoping to receive need-based aid!  We haven’t seen much in the media about this topic so we at Capstone wanted to make sure you have the information you need to “Know before you go!”

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Apples and Oranges Capstone Wealth Partners Ohio

Financial Aid Policies – Apples and Oranges

We all know universities come in different flavors – state schools/ivy leagues, privates/publics, colleges/universities, etc. And we know the different types have different admission standards your student needs to meet in order to get into them. We also are VERY aware of the different price tags for each. A four year in state university currently costs around $19,000 per year and a four year private college around $42,000 according to “Trends in College Pricing 2014” published by the College Board.

What you might not be fully aware of though is schools do NOT award financial aid in the same way from school to school.

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Capstone Wealth Partners is a fee-only independent Registered Investment Advisor in Columbus, Ohio. We are financial planners for college-bound families.

The Capstone Blog offers up our best ideas on how to save and pay for college, all while staying on track for a confident retirement.


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