Do you have a high school junior who is college-bound? This is an important time to get a handle on the college planning and financial tasks ahead for your family. Join Beth Probst, founder and CEO of At The Core, and Joe Messinger, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ of Capstone Wealth Partners, for an hour of support and resources to get your family started on the process. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to get the support your family needs from these two experts in college planning!
• Register and watch live on 4/12/23
• Register and watch on your schedule (after the live event)
[minti_button link=”” size=”large” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”color-3″ icon=””]Register Here[/minti_button]
We will be providing a recording of this FREE webinar to all who register so your family can watch when it fits your schedule.
INTENDED AUDIENCE: Parents and Students – Grade 11
Topics include:
• College prep tasks (research, applying, essays, etc.)
• Financial tasks during college planning (affordability, FAFSA, scholarships, etc.)
• Key dates for your family in the coming months
• Common areas of struggle for families during this process
• Resources available